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Having been benefited so much through Christian Science...
Having been benefited so much through Christian Science, I feel that I must tell some of the things that it has done for me. For twelve years I was in the habit of using strong drink, and was unable to give it up until I received treatment from a Christian Scientist. At this time I was healed of the drink habit, and lost all desire for intoxicants. I had never attended church, neither had I known any Christian influences before learning of Christian Science. I have been led to see the very great need of being in the church since I have known Christian Science, which has been about fifteen years. Once during this time I was taken with malarial fever, which lasted a few days. I had read Science and Health and remembered that Mrs. Eddy had said death is not a reality, and I lost all fear of death. I had not rested any for three or four nights because of the suffering, but as soon as I realized that there was no reality in death I feel asleep and awoke next morning feeling better than I had ever felt before. I got up and went to work and have never had a return of the trouble. That was fifteen years ago. For all this I am very thankful to God, and to our Leader. This demonstration, however, is nothing in comparison with what I have been through since then.
A little more than nine months ago I was working in a coal mine, and had lighted one shot to blast some coal and was trying to light a second one. I was so slow in lighting the second shot that I decided to go out and let the first shot go off and then come back and light the second one. The second shot was already lighted but I did not know it, and just as I got over to it, it exploded, making me unconscious. As soon as possible a surgeon was called, and when I knew enough I called for a Christian Science practitioner. The surgeon dressed my wounds temporarily, but hardly expected me to live to reach the hospital. There it was found that I had sustained a double fracture in both legs and other serious injuries. The Christian Scientist met me at the hospital and was in the room when the surgeons made their examination. They said that the left knee-cap was in five pieces and the right one in seven. The right leg was broken below the knee and two ends of bone stuck out through the flesh. It was also broken through the knee, and the thigh-bone was broken. The left leg was broken about midway between the knee and the hip, broken into small pieces, and the left thigh bone was crushed clear up to the hip in such a way that the surgeons could not operate on it to straighten it. There were three ribs broken, and my upper lip was cut down to the teeth, while I was burned and bruised from head to foot. Some time afterwards my wife asked the doctor if I had received any internal injuries and he said, "Yes, some very serious ones; he passed blood and water for the first ten days." I was forty-seven years of age at the time of this accident. The bones were not only broken but they were twisted in such a way that the surgeons despaired of being able to straighten them. On account of my being so weak they thought I could not stand any more surgical work. During all the time of setting the bones I was not conscious of any pain, which seemed quite remarkable to the surgeons and the nurses. At various times they had little hope of my recovery, but through the Christian Science treatment I came out of every seeming crisis all right. This healing was something wonderful to me, the most wonderful I had ever heard of. At the end of eight weeks I was trying to walk on crutches when I fell and broke the left leg again, just above the knee. During all this experience I had no pain, and I knew there was no pain at the time of the last break, because I was conscious all the time. I feel that my freedom from pain was because of the Christian Science treatment which I was receiving.
For this I thank God, who gave Mrs. Eddy the understanding of Truth to give to the world, through which mankind can overcome pain and sickness. I am also thankful that I was in a city where there were Christian Science practitioners who had enough understanding of Truth to know the nothingness of even such seemingly serious injuries as I had, and who were willing to help me through this trouble. Science and Health (p. 518) says, "Blessed is that mortal who seeth his brother's need and supplieth it," and I can certainly say that the Christian Science practitioner who helped me fulfilled that Christian requirement.
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July 7, 1906 issue
View Issue-
Items of Interest
with contributions from Theodore Roosevelt, Mutsuhito
An Appreciative Letter to Mrs. Eddy
James J. Rome
A Divine Demand
Right Doing and Its Reward
E. E. S.
The Christian Science Text-book
E. M. B.
Christian Science treats of infinite truth, the emanation...
R. Stanhope Easterday
The noblest possession of the English people is the...
Frederick Dixon
A careful study of Christian Science will reveal the fact...
H. Cornell Wilson
The Lectures
with contributions from James Bingham, Charles E. Finlay
Personal Contagion
Our Leader's Article
Archibald McLellan
Christian Science and Progressive Physicians
John B. Willis
Promises of Good
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Lewis Prescott, Charles, Marguerite Vouga, Hattie E. Jones
Over two years ago I turned to Christian Science because...
L. C. McMullen
It is now over a year since I heard of Christian Science...
Helen M. Inman
The most important events of my life I consider to be...
Omar T. Frick
I had all my life been frail and delicate, and with the...
Florence B. Dean
Christian Science has done so much for me during the...
Horace W. Hebbard
It is only a few months since I began the study of Christian Science...
Ruby D. Graves with contributions from J. Kell
I was badly poisoned last summer from eating what...
Leah V. Record
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
M. L. Rauskolb
The clergy of all men ought to make it their one strenuous...
John George Goddard
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Rush Rhees, Charles S. Macfarland