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The Real and the Unreal
The Truth-Seeker
Christian Science does not deny, but affirms the reality of man and the universe. It teaches that the whole of God's creation is real, perfect, and permanent. It denies reality to the belief that this creation is physical, imperfect, and mortal; and in all its denials it looks to the appearing of higher and more perfect expressions and evidences of the real universe and man.
While Christian Science teaches that all is in reality Mind and mental, it makes the same distinction with reference to the spiritual, divine, and immortal Mind, and the carnal, sinful, and mortal mind, as that made by primitive Christianity. It teaches that the real, spiritual, and eternal universe and man are phenomena of the divine Mind, while the material, sinful, discordant, and mortal sense of the universe and man are the phenomena or false concepts of the carnal mind. It also teaches that through the coming of Christ, divine Truth, through spiritual awakening and growth, these phenomena or false concepts disappear, and the real universe and man is perfectly revealed.
Those who have been liberated from sickness and other evils through Christian Science, and especially those who have been liberated after all other available means have been resorted to and found ineffectual,— and there are thousands of such persons,—know through the highest and most reliable proof that Christian Science does heal sickness, overcome sin, and make people happier and better. To discredit the testimony of those who have the highest right to know whereof they speak, and to credit the testimony of those who have neither proved nor disproved the claims of Christian Science, even those who do not know enough about the subject to state accurately its fundamental teachings, would be the very opposite of true rationalism. The only rational way to approach Christian Science is in the spirit of truth. The only way to know the truth or falsity of the teachings of Christian Science is to first know what these teachings really are. The only way to judge Christian Science is by its fruits.
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March 10, 1906 issue
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"As a man thinketh"
The Wednesday Evening Meeting
An Offering
The Real and the Unreal
J. R. Mosley
The belief in the unreality of matter would little profit...
The proof that Christian Scientists do not "dishonor God"...
John L. Rendall
The reasoning of Christian Science appears "fallacious"...
H. Cornell Wilson
A mathematician, correcting the errors in a mathematical...
James A. Logwood
While no Christian Scientist claims to be perfect, every...
Charles K. Skinner
The Lectures
with contributions from James G. Riddick, J.A. Plummer, Willard Scott
Among the Churches
with contributions from John V. Dittemore
A Letter from our Leader
Mary Baker Eddy
The Mind which was in Christ Jesus
Archibald McLellan
"It doth not yet appear"
John B. Willis
"What is man?"
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Bliss Knapp, George H. Kinter, Albert Quincy Carter, Caroline S. Bates, Clarence W. Chadwick
The spiritual light which I have received through the...
Caroline Camp
I was for more than two years a sufferer from nervous...
George W. Odell
Christian Science came to me in a time of sorrow, when...
Hannah Matthes
Though gratitude is best shown by earnest effort to reflect...
Carlotta Scobey Signor
It is over a year since I put my trust in God and in...
C. E. Halverstadt
Christian Science has brought me more blessings than...
Amelia A. Maelzer
Before reading Christian Science literature I was in an...
Carrie F. Howe
After many years of shifting, doubt, and indifference, in...
George W. Cushing
I first heard of Christian Science about fifteen years ago...
J. Raymond Prosser
Have you ever had your day suddenly turn sunshiny...
Maltbie D. Babcock
From our Exchanges
Robert S. MacArthur
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase