In the summer of 1900, before I knew much of Christian Science,...

In the summer of 1900, before I knew much of Christian Science, my two children became very ill and were attended for over eight weeks by physicians, who gave little or no hope of their recovery, and who said that in case they lived they would be mentally and physically impaired. All through those anxious weeks two members of my family, who knew of Christian Science, were declaring the truth for us, and I began to get a little glimpse of the power of that understanding of God which was counteracting the asserted laws of materia medica that were voiced daily. I could not at first trust my children entirely to God, but found myself clinging to Him as Life,—as those Scientists were doing,—only without understanding. I had scarcely any rest, so I consented to have Christian Science treatment for myself, and also to eliminate my fear for the children. I did not see the practitioner, as I could not leave home, but I soon felt strength and refreshment, and all the awful fear of the whole situation left me.

It was after this that I felt I must try Christian Science, to see if it could heal them of the physical conditions in which the dread disease had left them, and the work brought marvelous results. They were both healed; the only thing that did not respond quickly being an eruption, which was also overcome in time. It was indeed wonderful to see health, strength, and vigor returning to them.

This was five years ago, and they have been and still are so robust and healthy that people frequently speak of it, and I can honestly tell them that it is wholly due to Christian Science, for since that healing they have not had any medicine, and we have relied entirely on the power of Christ, Truth, to heal every discord that has presented itself, whether sickness or sin. If I had been willing to trust them to God sooner, I need not have gone through so much suffering. The disease was epidemic that summer, and on the same street were a number of similar cases to those of my children, and not one of them lived. It is needless to say that it is not possible to express the gratitude we feel for this wonderful truth, as revealed through our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, but we are endeavoring to live it daily, and thus to express our gratitude in deeds rather than in words.

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Testimony of Healing
In October, 1904, I was accidentally shot through the...
November 17, 1906

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