The Sunshine of Christian Science

Christian Science shines into every nook and corner of the human consciousness, and chases away the shadows which otherwise lurk there, unseen and undisturbed. It exposes the dark and hidden places and effects a species of mental housecleaning all the year round. Before its beneficent rays not only do false race beliefs disappear, but hurtful idiosyncrasies of personality also shrink back into the nothingness of oblivion. The sunshine of Chris tian Science thus delivers men from the routine and rut of evil ways of thinking, which bring in their train moral and physical ills, and substitutes for them the divinely natural thoughts of good, which result in happiness and health.

All mankind love happiness and health and seek them in that particular way which it is thought will enable the seeker to capture and keep these priceless possessions. No one consciously desires to destroy the available stock of health and happiness, therefore humanity's prevalence of ill health and unhappiness can only be ascribed to the pursuit of wrong methods, or to ignorance of "the way," the Christ-truth, or Christian Science, which is revealed in Science and Health. All men are united at least in their desire for health and happiness, even though they may be deceived into by-paths, or lured upon the dangerous quagmires of vain hopes by material will-o'-the-wisps. If men and women feel that they have suffered enough, each in his own way; if they have placed their ambitions on mere phantoms, so that their desires have not borne the right fruit; if they have been disappointed in friends, in theories, possibly in their study of the arts and sciences, their expectations of conventional charities, or of special reforms, from which they had hoped so much; if they have thought in the still hours and wondered, perhaps have fought for their convictions, though right did not seem to conquer, — then surely the call has come to them to let in some of the sunshine of Christian Science, in order that it may change their thinking. Let them take possession of their surroundings, rather than let their surroundings take possession of them.

Christian Scientists believe in wholesome happiness and in its realization here and now. They desire to share this happiness with all men. Though they once sought satisfaction in other fields of endeavor, and in other ideals, they now find that this new interpretation of life makes them healthier, happier, and better. Can any one receive greater gifts than health, peace, and an abiding sense of safety? "How can I learn about Christian Science?" asks the reader. The text bock, "Science and health With Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, contains the whole of Christian Science. If the inquirer has questions to ask, where else can he expect to have them answered, except by those who already understand Christian Science in a measure and strive to practise it? One thing is ever needful: namely, a sincere desire for the truth. The impressions of every honest inquirer have value. If he has entered upon his investigations with a sense of the need of mental, moral, or physical health, he will almost invariably find himself benefited through his desire to understand, though possibly without knowing how: in any case he will be cheered by the general air of hope and courage which pervades the Christian Science ranks. Christian Scientists naturally display joyousness and good nature towards all men. Moreover, they grant to every critic the full right to his own opinions, although, in common with all other people, they also demand that the critic's opinions shall be based on correct statements of fact, and shall be honestly presented.

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A New and Living Way
November 11, 1905

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