I have often thought that I would like to send to the Sentinel...

I have often thought that I would like to send to the Sentinel the story of my healing, which to me was most wonderful. When I look back to the bondage from which I escaped seven years ago, through Christian Science, my heart overflows with thankfulness. I was in a most miserable mental condition, as the result of a disease that had clung to me for over fifteen years. It was pronounced chronic ovarian trouble, and caused me much suffering at times. I also had severe attacks of rheumatism and constipation of long standing. Another trouble presented itself five years before I resorted to Christian Science, which steadily increased, until a year before I began treatment I could not lie down at night. I would bolster myself up with pillows, and even then, after a few hours, I would be obliged to walk the floor in great distress. I thought I did not care to live unless I could be cured. A friend suggested that I try Christian Science. I knew nothing of it, never having investigated it, but decided to try it, as medicine had failed to cure me. I consulted a practitioner, told her of my ailments, and asked if she thought she could heal me. She said that God did the healing. I rather doubted that, for I felt that God had taken very little interest in my sickness, or He would have helped me long ago; but I told her that I would take treatment, that she might as well experiment on me as on others. She told me to go to bed that night like other people, and to put only one pillow under my head. I thought to myself that she knew very little of my condition; nevertheless, I was willing to be obedient, and did as she advised, and to my surprise rested better than I had for a year. I took four treatments, and found myself a well woman.

I then began to study "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, to learn what had healed me. My memory had been extremely poor for a long time, but my physician said that need not alarm me, as that was caused by the ovarian trouble, but as I grasped the meaning of our text-book this difficulty vanished, and I have never been troubled with it since. As the realization of God's power entered my consciousness, my joy was unspeakable. My whole thought was changed. I realized that I had at last found the Great Physician who healeth all diseases. My heart was overflowing with the desire to help others, and as I prayerfully studied, the understanding came which enabled me to enter into the Master's vineyard. I am striving for a greater understanding, that I may accomplish more for my fellow-men.

Through my healing my husband became interested in Christian Science. Sick-headaches, to which he had been subject for years, vanished. Pleurisy, also, which he had for thirteen consecutive winters, has never returned since he began this study. I wish to express my gratitude to our faithful Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has shown us the way to Truth.

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Testimony of Healing
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search...
November 11, 1905

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