education and practice I am an engineer; what might perhaps be called a "self-made" one, in that I have not had the advantages of certain training which has been the privilege of others; and much that has been learned has been acquired when others were asleep, although at the time, I was doing a full day's work.
God's messages to mankind in all ages of the world, when correctly discerned, were designed to unfold the reality of being, a state of bliss often spoken of as heaven or harmony.
will deny that all men should pay their debts, but someone may deny the application of this moral requirement on the ground that he does not owe any one.
is said nowadays by religious writers respecting an alleged decline of spiritual earnestness and activity, and not a few facts, such as the passing of revival movements, the indifference to Sabbath observance, the falling off in church attendance, the free and frequent criticism of creeds and dogmas, etc.
Applications for membership with the Mother Church, to be acted upon at the meeting to be held in November for the admission of members, must be in the hands of the Clerk by the 15th of October.
Knowing how it helps and encourages a beginner in Christian Science to read the many demonstrations published in the Sentinel, I feel it a duty to relate a demonstration made in our home, which to my mind has settled all existing doubt as to the efficacy of Christian Science.
I have written two or three testimonies to the benefit I have received from Christian Science treatment, but did not send them, as I thought my demonstration was not complete, and that I should wait until it was.
"Had Jesus believed that Lazarus had lived or died in his body, he would have stood on the same plane of belief with those who buried the body, and he could not therefore have resuscitated it".
I have been deeply impressed by the loving appeal of our Leader to those who will unite with her in the "pure purpose of demonstrating love even to loving their enemies".
Having suffered from chronic dyspepsia for over twentysix years, and having taken, I think, every drug and herb used in such cases with no good results, I tried patent medicines, but received no benefit.
Frances Elizabeth Willey
with contributions from Ida E. Leithauser, L. B., Mary L. Huse, Harriet N. Cordwell, Mary E. Watkins
The healing of many physical and mental diseases in my own case, among which were nervous neuralgia, weak eyes, and two tumors,—one on the breast and one on the back of the neck,—convinced me that Christian Science is the knowledge of God.
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