A Rainy Day

Human belief would not only encumber us with the errors and failures of the past, but it would dim the future with dread and doubt. Old saws replete with experience crowd about us and with warning word bid us prepare for a rainy day.

Before we busy ourselves with the hurry and care of building greater storehouses and hoarding our harvests, why not stop and look fairly and fearlessly at this threatened day. What is the cloud that hangs about the horizon of our to-morrow, veiling its glad promise? It is fear. Fear of what? Fear that God's munificence will cease to be infinite; fear that He will cease to be able to "spread a table in the wilderness;" fear to lack and desertion; fear that divine Love will fail to care for man as for the sparrows and lilies. And so with feeble hands would we heap up our little store against the failure of omnipotent Love! would prepare for age, disease, declining vigor, and thus by our fear pave the way for the very disaster we would avert. The poor go hungry from our door and shiver shelterless in the storm, the halls of learning remain closed to our children, because, forsooth, we are stinting and saving for that rainy day, crippling our present usefulness because we are afraid of the future.

Christian Science banishes the phantoms of the future as well as the spectres of the past, and brings to man unfaltering trust in omnipotent Good, omnipresent Love, and thus smooths away time's wrinkles from the brow of him who understands that life is neither young nor old. For him the true life is the reflection of Life, unaffected by the passing years, "the same yesterday, to-day, and forever." The fear of time's flight is removed by the knowledge that the eternal now knows no reckoning of dial or calendar.

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The World's Attitude toward Reform
March 28, 1903

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