are in receipt of very full reports of the defeat in the North Carolina legislature of a bill entitled, "An act to define the Practice of Medicine and Surgery," in which these terms were construed to mean "the management or treatment for fee or reward of any case of disease, physical or mental, real or imaginary, with or without drugs, surgical operation, surgical or mechanical appliances, or by any other method whatsoever: Provided, that this shall not apply to midwives, nor to nurses acting under the direction of a registered physician.
year ago The Christian Science Publishing Society very wisely decided to discontinue supplying libraries with our periodicals free of charge after one year, and placed the responsibility of this work upon the Christian Scientists in the various localities where public libraries are to be found.
are devoting considerable space in this issue of the Sentinel to the defeat in the North Carolina Legislature of a bill, ostensibly for the regulation of the practice of medicine, but in fact for the prevention of the practice of Christian Science.
grateful recognition of the character and labors of John Wesley, expressed upon the occasion of the late bicentennial anniversary, is worthy of the great body of earnest Christian believers constituting the church of his founding.
last Wednesday evening's meeting, the remarks of the Reader concerning the rapid spread of Christian Science among business men, and the testimony of a commercial traveler from the East impelled me to speak a little on similar lines.
Christian Science Mind and Love are synonymously used to express the highest sense of Deity, hence the activity of Love must be identical with the activity of Mind.
day unfolds before usA way of love or hate;Sweet love that lives victoriousO'er every selfish state,Dark hate that bears the curse of CainThrough regions desolate.
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