A Wednesday Evening Meeting

At First Church of Christ, Scientist, I. O. H. Hall, Preston Street, Baltimore, Md., some most interesting testimonies were given Wednesday evening, January 24. The hall was filled with those who know what Christian Science has done for them, as well as many who came to hear and see what this leaven is that seems to be finding its way into every condition of mortal thought, like the "holy waters" pictured in Ezekiel, 47, which, issuing "out from under the threshold of the house eastward" gradually rise and spread until they become a river that "could not be passed over;" and behold, "every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live ... for they shall be healed."

After singing hymn 141, the meeting was opened by Edward H. Hammond, C.S.D., First Reader, reading from John 12, then from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, page 212. After a few introductory remarks, in which he brought out the thought that only through the spiritual interpretation as given in our text-book, Science and Health, can we understand that the Bible is not contradictory, Mr. Hammond announced that the meeting was open for testimonials.

A lady arose and told how she was living where Christian Science was not well known, when a friend loaned her Science and Health. She began reading and was healed of an eye trouble which had manifested itself years before, through vaccination. While reading, a stomach trouble of old standing became very apparent but was soon overcome. She then took the book and read to a friend of hers who was in such suffering on account of trouble with her knee that she felt like taking an overdose of morphine. The reading and talk quieted her, but the physician prevailed upon her to put the leg in a plaster cast. For four weeks this cast was kept on and when removed her leg was useless. Then she asked what she should do. Her friend advised Christian Science treatment; the physician said, "Surgical operation and return to the cast." She refused to undergo any more voluntary suffering and sent for a Christian Scientist to treat her. In six treatments she was healed perfectly. Then her daughter was attacked with typhoid fever .. The doctor predicted a long siege. She told her friend (the speaker) who, though fear seemed to take possession of her, mentally declared the Truth for her own protection; and, to the surprise of the physician, the fever was broken the following day. She began to eat and rapidly got well.

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March 1, 1900

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