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My 'cover to cover' project
About two years ago, while studying the Christian Science Bible Lesson one morning, I came across this frequently read citation from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “Take divine Science. Read this book from beginning to end. Study it, ponder it” (p. 559). Suddenly, it occurred to me that although I was raised in Christian Science, had been a practicing student for nearly all my life, and had been through Primary class instruction in Christian Science, I had never read Science and Health straight through and treated it like what it really is: a textbook.
So I found an old leather copy, small and comfortable in my hand. And with a yellow highlighting pen at the ready, I began to read. Thus began what I call my “cover to cover” project. And it was a revelation! So many quotes that I was familiar with from the Bible Lesson took on a new and richer meaning when read in order and in context of the chapter in which they were found. I used my highlighter liberally, marking passages, placing sidebars and exclamation marks in many places just like I did with my school textbooks.
When finished with Science and Health, I moved right into the compilation of Mary Baker Eddy’s other writings called Prose Works, feeling the same sense of wonderful discovery. As I read, I came across this powerful statement that would soon provide me with great nourishment in a time of difficulty: “Christian Science erases from the minds of invalids their mistaken belief that they live in or because of matter, or that a so-called material organism controls the health or existence of mankind, and induces rest in God, divine Love, as caring for all the conditions requisite for the well-being of man” (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 12). As the title Rudimental Divine Science suggests, these were basic, bedrock ideas. And as I read further, I found myself flipping back to this page and this citation over and over again during the following weeks.
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October 22, 2012 issue
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Diane Fabrizio, Roxa Van Dyck, Tonio Calhoun
The center point
Kim Shippey, Senior Staff Editor
What is spiritual intuition?
Barbara Vining
The divine details
Kristin Palkoner
Angel thoughts that guide us
Pamela Foulds Urell
Divinely impelled?
Roberta Wallace
Moving in harmony
Julie Rein
Crop it and go wide
Aimee Hewitt
The contentment of forgiveness*
Kay Weed
An answer to violence against women
Nancy Mullen
My 'cover to cover' project
Alan Pate
Thoughts about association day
Jeff Shepard
She let out a hearty laugh
Marney Mallon
Uniting a community through prayer
Maureen Loster
Lexi Fontaine
Prayer that transcends politics
Patricia S. Gantt Reiman
God forgives and heals
Ann Edwards
The call for culture
Kim Shippey, Senior Staff Editor
Injuries from car accident healed
Linda N. Worley
Grateful for healing in my life
Ardis Barrows
Severe burns healed quickly
Karen Janitz
'Women in politics': more than a talking point
The Editors