I am increasingly grateful to God for His love and care

I am increasingly grateful to God for His love and care. Since my last testimony in the Sentinel (November 20, 1976), I have had healings of dizziness, chest pains, colds, a heart problem, and what seemed to be a mild stroke. The stroke alarmed my family, but through prayer the effects were healed within a day. During that day, I prayed to understand God better as divine Mind and to know that God is my Mind. Especially helpful to me was Mrs. Eddy's statement in Science and Health "The divine Mind that made man maintains His own image and likeness" (p. 151). I remain completely well.

In recent years, I am most grateful to God for my family, for our unity as a family, and for an increasing realization that the whole wide world is our true, spiritual family and that we all are united in one grand brotherhood under a common Father, God.

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January 20, 1997

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