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God Made Everything Beautiful
One summer evening I was leaving a scenic national park after an inspiring day of sight-seeing. As I drove through the darkening mountains, I recalled the beauty I had seen during the day and remembered the words from a hymn, "In beauty, grandeur, order,/His handiwork is shown." Christian Science Hymnal, No. 329; Maroon Lake had been so clear in the sunshine that it distinctly reflected the majesty of snow-capped peaks. Acres of blooming dandelions had formed a golden carpet for the magnificent aspen trees.
As the darkness deepened, I thought, If someone drove through that park now, he wouldn't see the beauty surrounding him. In the same way, my thoughts went on, because of darkened, ignorant, false views of creation, we are often blind to the infinite beauty and goodness of God's gentle ever-presence, including the beauty and goodness of spiritual man. Every child of God, in perfect unity with the divine Mind or Soul, is beautiful in an individual, unique way. In Science and Health beside a marginal heading "The divineloveliness" is Mrs. Eddy's statement, "Beauty is a thing of life, which dwells forever in the eternal Mind and reflects the charms of His goodness in expression, form, outline, and color." Science and Health, p. 247;
In God's creation there are no duplicates. No identity is more beautiful or acceptable than another; each one is indispensable to the complete and whole manifestation of divine Love's loveliness. When even the visible symbols of the universe and man are so wonderfully beautiful and gladden the heart, we have to stand in awe of the indescribable beauty and perfection reality must include.
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February 19, 1977 issue
View Issue-
A Universe with Zero Defects
Making the Effort
Carolyn Holbrook Price
Another Rejection?
Individual Broadcasts
God Made Everything Beautiful
Is That You, God?
Sandra Luerssen Hoerner
Stuart and Benjie
Barbara B. Holliday
The Only Ego
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Don't Be Afraid of Your Spouse
Nathan A. Talbot
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board Of Directors
"The Scriptures plainly declare the allness and oneness of God...
Florence McLean Tripp
Of the many proofs I have had of God's tender care for His...
Ramona L. Fowler with contributions from Lila O. Fowler, Elizabeth V. Purdy, Betty V. Purdy