Christian Science has played a major role for good in my life...

Christian Science has played a major role for good in my life since 1932, hence my expression of gratitude for its great benefits and protection to me is long overdue. Though my human birthdate is several years before the turn of the century, with the aid of daily study of the Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly I am active as the housemother in a home, taking care of twelve rooms. I have charge of the cooking, shopping for food, and all the etceteras that go with a home of this size.

I was healed of arthritis in 1962 through the study of Christian Science. I was told I would lose the use of my right arm. I could not turn my head either way. I have been free of this disease for more than eleven years.

In 1947, I was deprived of a large sum of money through the crime of "larceny by conversion." I prayed, and for one year I studied diligently and sincerely in Christian Science to forgive the person involved. I continued to see this individual as a spiritual idea of an all-loving God. I never ceased to consider that this one lived and moved and had perfection and integrity in the one and only divine Mind. I prayed long and earnestly and devotedly to forgive and love this person. Twenty-three years later this individual returned to me five times the amount of money I had lost.

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Testimony of Healing
As a young girl raised in a Christian Science Sunday School,...
December 1, 1973

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