Does Christian Science Ignore Disease?

The knowledge of spiritual law gained in the study of Christian Science reveals wonderful possibilities for humanity. Students of Christian Science learn, in particular, to apply God's spiritual law of healing to whatever confronts them. Yet because they do not turn to material remedies if disease threatens, it may appear that they ignore disease. This is by no means the case.

Some ask, "If there is a spiritual law of healing, why isn't everyone using it?" For one thing, many do not know about it, or are incredulous of it. The possibility of going to the moon existed centuries ago, but until recently mankind did not have the knowledge of how to get there, or even believe getting there was possible. Similarly, God's spiritual law of healing has always existed, and is available and effective today. Christian Science explains it and proves it demonstrable.

Christian Science teaches that God, Spirit, is All and therefore His laws are spiritual and the only real laws. Because God, Spirit, is Life, divine Principle, the only power, the only creator, all creation must be perfect, complete. The material world, and a mortal, imperfect man, then, must be a mistaken belief about creation, having no true law to support it. Consequently, God's spiritual law of healing must supersede all so-called material laws.

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"Sing, ye joyous children, sing"
December 23, 1972

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