Christ Jesus referred to a very valuable admonition of the Old Testament, an admonition basic to Christianity, when he told his followers, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
When I am temptedTo feel impatientWith the adult'sReluctant faith,And annoyedWith the adolescent'sSophistication,And indignantWith humankind'sThoughtlessness,Then help me, dear Father,To pause and rememberThat they, even as myself,Are all underYour mandate of progress,And that one dayWe shall each standFully cladIn the radiancyOf Christ awareness;And help me insteadTo hallow and honorThis perfect selfhoodThat I mayHasten the hourOf its fulfillmentAnd also maintainMy ownPeace of mind.
Although many people have never had more time or longer holidays for rest and recreation than they now enjoy, too often a true sense of rest is missing because the real source of rest and composure is not recognized.
My gratitude knows no bounds for the upbringing I have had and for the love of my parents in wanting to share their religion, which has given them much inspiration and comfort.
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