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On Casting Out Devils
Christ Jesus , who healed as no one else has ever healed, looked upon disease as the embodiment of mortal beliefs—devils—and he cast them out with the power of Christ, Truth, with which his thought was in perfect accord. Today, when so much emphasis is placed on material conditions as determining the well-being of people, healing the sick by casting out devils must seem to some to be rather far-fetched. Yet Jesus declared (John 14:12), "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also."
Jesus knew that the devils, or errors, which he cast out with Truth were not conditions of matter induced by natural physical processes. He dealt with them as mental errors that did not call for material remedies. Nor was a knowledge of anatomy or physiology a prerequisite for healing. The requirements were a demonstrable understanding of God as the only Mind of man and a clear concept of the erring mental processes that were responsible for the difficulties the people were experiencing. And even with his disciples, as they were sent out "to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick" (Luke 9:2), it was the understanding of these facts which gave them "power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases," (verse 1).
One of the great contributions Christian Science is making to the cause of Christianity is its interpretation of the Christ. A definition in the Glossary of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy reads (p. 583): "Christ. The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error."
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June 12, 1965 issue
View Issue-
The Role of the Practitioner
Scientific Prevention of Disease
The All-in-all
Man's Character
Instantaneous Healing
A Lesson from a Little Chair
"In God we trust"
The Power That Heals
Carl J. Welz
On Casting Out Devils
Ralph E. Wagers
In humility and ever-increasing...
Pauline A. Hamilton
The inspiration and help I received...
Ethel Mary Carter
After studying Science and Health...
Dolores M. DuNah
Seeing my older brother healed...
William P. Barney
After I had gone to several different...
Fay D. Cano
I am grateful for a healing of...
Elise Maibach
A number of years ago a...
Dora Crothers with contributions from Charles E. Crothers
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Harlow Shapley, J. B. S. Morgan