An instantaneous healing of...

An instantaneous healing of heart trouble in our family led to my interest in Christian Science. Periodic headaches, sometimes so severe that I was unable to attend school during these experiences, needed to be healed. Materia medica and osteopathy had given me no relief. The healing was a slow one, but in the meantime other difficulties were overcome.

Faithful daily study of the Lesson-Sermon, found in the Christian Science Quarterly, and the reading of the Christian Science periodicals, containing so many inspiring articles and testimonies of healing, I found necessary in order to gain the understanding of God and man in His image and likeness that results in healing. The knowledge that I no longer need to fear a headache because that error was proved to be nothing through the healing power of Christian Science is a source of great gratitude.

Each year an attack of tonsillitis caused me much suffering. When one of these attacks came after I had begun to rely upon Christian Science, I asked for the help of a practitioner. Several days passed before the healing was complete, but that was the end of that error. The fear of the recurrence of this disease year after year was removed, and I learned to express more love to others.

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Testimony of Healing
Since having a testimony published...
September 14, 1963

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