her messages to The Mother Church at the time of the dedications of the Original Edifice and of the Extension, it is interesting to note how little our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, had to say regarding the material structure.
day, while talking to a policeman in his radio-equipped squad car, I asked him what would happen if his radio should be tuned to another station at the time an important message was being sent to him.
Christ Jesus
was designating the power of Christliness over evil when he said to the triumphant seventy who had returned from a healing mission on which he had sent them.
Speaker: Have you ever heard someone say something like this: I've tried to be more understanding, loving, helpful, and kind, but it's just not my nature to be that way?
Establishing a Christian Science Reading Room in a prominent and easily accessible location where it could be of real comfort and enlightenment to many is bringing abundant fruitage to a branch church.
When I was twelve years old, my parents became interested in Christian Science; and from that time until my twentieth birthday I had the great privilege of attending a Christian Science Sunday School.
From early childhood I had the benefit of Christian Science in my home, and through the years my family and I have experienced healing, guidance, freedom, and protection as we have understood and applied its teachings.
I did not come into Christian Science seeking a physical healing, but rather was I searching for a religious philosophy whereby to measure my deeds and reason for existing.
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