you wish to know the spiritual fact, you can discover it by reversing the material fable, be the fable pro or con,—be it in accord with your preconceptions or utterly contrary to them.
Mary Baker Eddy,
the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, incorporated the giving of testimonies of healing in the procedure of the Wednesday testimony meetings of Churches of Christ, Scientist, for she well knew the importance of this activity.
can make much more rapid progress in our understanding and demonstration of the kingdom of God if we permit our thinking to be quickened by the spirit of God that is within each one of us.
the third chapter of Exodus it is related that while Moses was tending a flock of sheep on "the backside of the desert," he beheld an unusual sight—a bush which burned with fire yet was not consumed.
we gain a correct view of God and man, through the study of the Bible and of the writings of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, we shall be able to heal as our Master, Christ Jesus, did.
A Fundamental
teaching of Christian Science is stated in these lines from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
Members of The Mother Church or its branches are invited to hear by means of a tape recording the inspiring message of the Tuesday Evening Meeting, entitled "Kings and priests unto God," which took place in the Extension of The Mother Church on June 9, 1959.
I have had the wonderful privilege of having been reared in Christian Science, and I feel impelled to share with others a few of the many healings which I have experienced.
Edyth Relyea Felicitas
with contributions from Thomas Relyea Felicitas
My introduction to Christian Science came through a neighbor who was not a Scientist but who had a friend who had been healed as a result of Christian Science treatment.
One of the things I have been very grateful for in Christian Science is the increasing awareness of the infinite capacity of Mind, which is never depleted and never exhausted, because it knows nothing outside itself.
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