When Christmas calls us home to the family fireside, it is well to remind ourselves of a higher concept of home and the joys of spiritual reunion. Christian Scientists understand home to be heaven, where God's ideas are held together in a bond of happy brotherhood. Where we feel the warmth of spiritual affection, the vigor of spiritual life, and the joy of spiritual achievement—this is home! When once we gain the spiritual meaning of home, the convivial Christmas is eclipsed, and the Christ reigns and governs our home circle as well as our Christmas cheer.

Christmas at home, seen in its spiritual significance, takes on new meaning. Mary Baker Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 58), "Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the centre, though not the boundary, of the affections." She also once said: "Home is not a place but a power. We find home when we arrive at the full understanding of God" (Twelve Years with Mary Baker Eddy by Irving C. Tomlinson, p. 156).

Real home is not a locality, but a state of spiritual consciousness. It is in Mind never in matter. Its builder and maker is God. Home is where God, our heavenly Parent, presides over all man's affairs, and since God is omnipresent, home must be everywhere. Because our true home is in Spirit, it is bright and pure, well ordered and complete. Man cannot be removed from his home in Spirit. We are truly at home when we are conscious of the power of Truth and Love. And when at home in Spirit we realize that we are children of God and members of one universal family.

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December 19, 1953

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