, when the great cry among men and nations is for security, it is well to give serious consideration to the question, "What is security, and where is it to be found?
No dimness here, but rather Truth's clear lightIllumes the printed page with clarityThat drives away the darkness of the nightOf ignorance and fear and sets men freeTo master their own weaknesses and findNew joy, new courage, health, and peace of mind.
A vast
opportunity is open to every follower of Truth to prove the omnipotence of God, good, and consequently the powerlessness of evil, the supposed opposite of God.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
The articles appearing in the Sentinel about our Sunday Schools and the relations of teacher, pupil, and parents have been very helpful to me, and I should like to relate some pleasant and profitable experiences that I have had.
I have received many healings in Christian Science, and I want to express my gratitude for every avenue and channel through which this truth is going out to the world today.
The healing power of Christian Science has been proved in my life for more than sixteen years, and I should like to tell of an experience which proved once again that the power of Love is ever present.
Christian Science has brought me many blessings, and for all of them I am most grateful, but the better understanding I have gained of God and of man as His image and likeness has meant most to me.
Per Capita Tax, as provided in the Church Manual, Article VIII, Section 13, is due annually from "every member of The Mother Church" and "shall be forwarded each year to the Church Treasurer.
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