With a sincere desire to bring...

With a sincere desire to bring hope and encouragement to those who may feel in need of healing from some disease, or who have not found relief from the discomforts of what are termed human difficulties, I write this testimony.

As a child I was taught to believe that God is the author of both good and evil; but after I read some Christian Science literature, it became clear to me that this is not so. Subsequent healings convinced me that I had really found the truth for which I had prayed.

All my life I had suffered from sick headache, constipation, and gastritis. A so-called inherited difficulty also afflicted me. Physicians who were consulted informed me that I must have an operation for nasal trouble; also that I must live in a warmer climate. Before taking up the study of Science in July, 1935, I did undergo an operation, but the results were far from satisfactory. Then, upon the advice of the doctors, my teeth were all removed; but there was no improvement in my physical condition. Two eye specialists told me I had sinus trouble, and I had an operation for this, with the same result—no relief.

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Testimony of Healing
"The Lord hath appeared of old...
August 28, 1948

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