realization that death cannot occur in the realm of divine, always present, eternal Life empowered Jesus of Nazareth to come forth from the sepulcher and present himself to his followers.
first sentence in the opening chapter of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," gives mankind a plain and simple rule of procedure in their quest for health and holiness.
the evening of the day that Christ Jesus demonstrated God's unfailing provision for man, humanly evidenced in the supply of food for the five thousand, he walked on the sea to join his disciples who were rowing toward Capernaum.
time! What eager hopes and happy memories these words kindle—laughter and gladness, solitude and quietude, freedom and refreshment! In joyous anticipation one exclaims, "I'm going on a vacation soon!" A bit regretfully another says, "Mine is past!" And resignedly the pressed and harried businessman says, "I haven't had a vacation in years.
The Christian Science Sentinel from time to time has contained notices of acknowledgments to those who have presented letters written by our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and her secretaries, as well as other papers bearing her signature.
Christian Science services sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Merced, California, will be held in the Church Bowl at Yosemite National Park every Sunday afternoon at three o'clock during the months of July and August.
I want to express my gratitude for Christian Science and add my testimony to the many others attesting to the fact that Christian Science heals, for I have received so much comfort and joy from reading the testimonies in the periodicals that I hope mine will also help someone.
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