character of Christ Jesus has been as a great light through centuries of materiality and suffering, arousing dulled human minds to a love for good.
great verity of existence— man's oneness with his creator, his resulting perfection and indestructibility—has nowhere been more succinctly expressed than by Jesus when, in Solomon's porch, he declared, "I and my Father are one.
the first news of the atomic bomb came over the radio, doubtless the first thought that came to many students of Christian Science was the subject of one of the Lesson-Sermons, "Is the Universe, Including Man.
During the war years some branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, and Christian Science Societies, particularly those located in coastal areas, found it difficult because of the blackouts and restrictions on transportation to hold their business and committee meetings at the usual time.
Churches and societies in the United States and Canada wishing to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year, namely July and August, 1946, are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship before May 22.
Six years ago I was ill and discouraged, facing a surgical operation because of a tumor and injuries from childbirth, when I was led by the "still small voice" to take up the study of Christian Science, which I did.
I should like to express my boundless gratitude for the rich blessings and help given us by Christian Science in all human experiences, even the most distressing.
In 1916, after ten weeks of doctoring and a hospital experience, I turned unreservedly to Christian Science, feeling certain that if I were faithful it would heal me.
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