Reading Room Notes

The Sentinel of May 29, 1943, carried an invitation to members of The Mother Church, and particularly librarians, to contribute, from time to time, helpful, healing experiences in our Reading Rooms. The invitation still stands, and contributions should be sent to the Journal and Sentinel Editorial Department. The following are excerpts from reports received from Reading Room librarians of The Mother Church and branch churches.

A medical nurse who has been on a mental case for many months spends a part of each afternoon here. She has become quite an earnest student. Last week she subscribed to The Christian Science Journal. She told an attendant that since beginning to read Christian Science literature she has been able to help her patient overcome physical difficulties through the realization of their unreality.

Another person told of a healing of eye trouble. She had been having help from a practitioner, but felt her healing was due, in part, to her using the Reading Room. Today her vision is completely restored, and she gave thanks for benefit received here.

A man who is a Federal Inspector is an appreciative caller. He is grateful for help gained in the Reading Rooms that enables him to carry on his work in defense plants in safety.

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Testimony of Healing
Many times I have encountered...
April 1, 1944

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