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Facts Concerning Victory
Christian Science has given many people a joyful acquaintance with victory. It has shown them the essential method of it, a method summed up in these words of Mary Baker Eddy (Miscellaneous Writings, pp. 267, 268): "The predisposing and exciting cause of all defeat and victory under the sun, rests on this scientific basis: that action, in obedience to God, spiritualizes man's motives and methods, and crowns them with success; while disobedience to this divine Principle materializes human modes and consciousness, and defeats them." Through the understanding of what is implied in these words, a great number of men and women have been enabled to overcome disease, lack, strife, and other evils for themselves and others; and they see that the essential method of this overcoming is by its nature available to bring a righteous victory in the present war.
It was the Apostle Paul who wrote, "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." And so today Christian Scientists understand that the essential victory is always primarily mental. They do indeed take part, and gladly, in the human tasks that are necessary for winning the war. They recognize that the power of good, or right, must be exemplified so that it is apparent, amply apparent, to human sense. But back of all this they see must be the fundamental work of correcting and annulling the false concepts which are producing war.
The method of this correction is clearly summed up in the words quoted above from Mrs. Eddy. It is spiritualization of thought, and thereby of action. The essential requirement always is a bright recognition of reality, of the allness of God, good, and of man's likeness to Him. In proportion to one's recognition of reality, one sees that the difficulty with which he has to deal in war, as in peace, is no part of Truth, but is illusion, a false presentation of a false mortal mind. And he sees scientifically, as a consequence, what is required to conquer it. The illusion must be dispelled by still fuller realization of Truth.
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July 18, 1942 issue
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True Security
Spiritual Substance
The Mortal Dream Is Untrue
Progressive Demonstration
"God in His wisdom will test all mankind"
Evelyn F. Heywood
Facts Concerning Victory
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Jennie D. Todd, Caroline Sophie Mulhearn, Catherine M. Rankin, Stella Beatrice Schabner, Philip H. C. Slater, Albert Warren Ambler, Erma M. Hogue, Max J. Simon
A Christian Science period in...
James W. Fulton
Sunday School Notes and Comments
with contributions from Herbert Welch
"And God said, Let there be...
Ruth Bumba
It is from a deep sense of gratitude...
Rosalind Letitia Hoyle
I am always very grateful for...
Walter Weiler, Jr.
"God is Love" was the first...
Maude Campbell Douglas
Words are inadequate to express...
Marion D. Raymond with contributions from Chester C. Raymond
For all the encouragement and...
Flora E. Lunam
Many years ago, finding myself...
Orsina Gray Thompson
Christian Science Rest Room for the Forces
General Activities Meeting of The Mother Church
with contributions from Wilfred B. Wells, The Christian Science Board of Directors, William M. Bartlett, Emma C. Shipman, Mary Baker Eddy, Ralph H. Knapp, Abigail Dyer Thompson