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"Christian Science is always the...
"Christian Science is always the most skilful surgeon," says Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 402), "but surgery is the branch of its healing which will be last acknowledged." A healing by means of mental surgery alone was one of the first healings I experienced after taking up the study of Christian Science.
I had been troubled with an internal growth for several months, and serious symptoms were suddenly manifested, confining me to my bed. Those in the home, interested in Christian Science but stricken with fear, wished to call the physician in the early morning hours. But I firmly declared (ibid., p. 231), "What God cannot do, man need not attempt." At my request a relative, a class-taught student, was called by long-distance telephone, and absent treatment was given. The symptoms abated immediately. For three days I persisted in declaring the truth stated by Mrs. Eddy (ibid., p. 207): "There is but one primal cause. Therefore there can be no effect from any other cause, and there can be no reality in aught which does not proceed from this great and only cause." I also recalled the Bible statement, "The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword," and other statements of truth. On the third day the growth was painlessly removed without an incision of a surgeon's knife and with no loss of blood. Fear was completely eliminated, and I arose immediately, permanently healed.
The truths taught in the Christian Science Sunday School, which our children were privileged to attend from the time they were three years of age, have served as a protection in times of accident and contagion, and in most cases of illness the children have been restored to health in a few hours. The value of their early lessons in Science was proved one day by a four-year-old who was playing near a lawn mower in motion. One of her fingers was caught in the blades and cut at the first joint. Her twin brother took her to a secluded place and repeated the Lord's Prayer and some of the truths taught them in Sunday school. On my return home half an hour later, the little girl was playing and using the hand without even a bandage for protection, though the cut had encircled the finger.
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November 7, 1942 issue
View Issue-
"Divinity is always ready"
"Neither Greek nor Jew"
"Power to think and act rightly"
The Commandments: Passports to Power
God's Day
The Major Issue of the Hour
Peter V. Ross
Practical Help in Healing
Alfred Pittman
I am glad to avail myself of...
Ethel May Burns
I consider it a great privilege to...
Mary A. Stephenson
"Christian Science is always the...
Ines Laing Welles with contributions from Leonard G. Welles, Emerson A. Welles
With full gratitude for what...
Dorothea W. Josephson
When I began to study Christian Science...
Bernard Kottek
I first glimpsed the truth of...
Margaret Lee Gilbert
Many years have passed since...
Helen M. Cox
Enough for Today
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Murray D. Van Wagoner, R. N. Merrill, William Ward Ayer, Harry C. Munro, T. H. E. Woods, Perry J. Rice, Stokes, Lindley J. Baldwin