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Christian Science was not a new subject to me when I...
Christian Science was not a new subject to me when I first turned to it for healing. As a child I became very much attached to the daughter of a neighbor who was seeking healing through Christian Science. I still remember her love and sweetness. It was her reflection of the Love that is God which appealed to me. Before my marriage my employer, who was a Christian Scientist, would sometimes tell me of healings he and his family had experienced, and I always listened with great interest. At his invitation I attended a lecture on Christian Science. I shall ever be grateful for this first definite step towards the truth, for shortly after this I married, and two years later, when our son was born, I began to long for something in the nature of religion in our home.
When our son was six months old, he became very ill with eczema in an alarming form. Our family physician was consulted, and she informed us that it was an inherited disease, and that he would no doubt suffer from it in some form all his life. Medicines were prescribed and faithfully administered, but the child continued to grow worse. After a period of two months we took him to a child specialist, who immediately reversed all that the former physician had said, and diagnosed the trouble as being due to a faulty diet. A strict diet was prescribed, and again we followed instructions. By this time the outward evidence of the disease was most alarming. Once again we were doomed to disappointment, for there was no improvement in his condition, but he "rather grew worse." A third physician was consulted, and the two former diagnoses were reversed. The ailment was said to be due to his teeth, and the claim was made that the child would have the trouble until he received all his second teeth, a matter of several years. All this awakened me sufficiently to realize that medical science had only theories to offer, and I longed with all my heart for something which would free this little one from such suffering.
At this point I realized that what I needed and wanted was Christian Science, and with some fear and trembling we called upon a practitioner, who received us most lovingly and agreed to give the child treatment. We were filled with fresh hope; despair and worry were replaced by courage and confidence, and we felt certain that our baby would be healed. During this time I was completely and permanently healed of the need of wearing glasses for all close work. I was unaware of the healing until some months later, when I came upon the glasses lying in a drawer, and suddenly realized that I had not even thought of them for a long time. However, the eczema seemed slow in yielding, although loving and consecrated work was done for several months. I soon began to see the need for more study and application of the truth on my part. One day, with an earnest desire to know more of Truth, so that I could help my baby, I picked up a copy of The Christian Science Journal, and read a poem entitled "Motherhood." A deep and abiding sense of gratitude flooded my consciousness, and a false sense of responsibility dropped away from me immediately. Very soon after this a complete healing was realized. What a joy it was to see our son manifesting excellent health! His skin and hair became so lovely that many commented on his appearance.
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July 20, 1940 issue
View Issue-
The Islands of the Sea
"The words of my mouth"
"Father, I thank thee"
The Healing Point of View
Constructive Spiritual Thinking
"The problem of being"
I shall be glad if you will allow me to point out that...
John Lingard, former Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
That your readers may not misunderstand the teachings...
Dr. Frank F. Bunker, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
In a recent letter to the Star, a correspondent takes...
James W. Fulton, Committe on Publication for Ontario, Canada,
In a recent issue, a correspondent makes assertions about...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
A Prayer for Today
"The wells of salvation"
George Shaw Cook
Healing as a Bugle Call
Alfred Pittman
with contributions from Emma Easton Newman, Bruce Alan Ludgate, Louie Allen, Jeanne Roe Price, Gaston Cherriere, Helen Carlyle Mitchell
The Lectures
with contributions from C. Lilias Ramsay, Edith H. Wortman, Everett Emerson Rich, Nancy Rupley Armstrong, Ruth B. Quigley, Ada Chinn Leaycraft, Lydia Ida Jahnke, Frederick George Allen Williams, Oscar W. Parsons
In the twenty-third Psalm, David sings, "Yea, though I...
Mildred McWilliams
I thank God for Christian Science; for Christ Jesus; and...
Gladys Reid Whittier
Christian Science was not a new subject to me when I...
Emma Louise Holter
It is with sincere gratitude that I recount some of the...
Charles J. Hollands with contributions from Lilian Louisa Hollands
During the sixteen years of my study of Christian Science...
Florence L. Ware
I am deeply grateful for having learned through Christian Science...
Wilhelm Haeger with contributions from Erwin Haeger, Anna Haeger
Some years ago, all I had of this world's goods slipped...
Florilla M. Rohde
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roosevelt, Oliver Ned Douds, Harry Post, Sam Plumer