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"Father, I thank thee"
Gratitude to God, expressed by the spiritually-minded in all ages, is more than a pious sentiment; it is a necessity of our well-being, for it is the acknowledgement of our dependence on God, an affirmation of our unity with our Maker. True gratitude is a constant attitude of receptivity, by which we become increasingly aware of the rich blessings that God bestows on His children. It is, moreover, an active uplifting of our consciousness to the one source, divine Mind, whereby we let our light shine for the benefit of others.
Christian Science teaches that God is the only Mind, and that man is the idea or reflection of Mind. In speaking of "the formations of the immortal divine Mind," Mrs. Eddy writes (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 189), "they proceed from the divine source; and so, in tracing them, we constantly ascend in infinite being."
There is much rendering of thanks to God in the Wednesday testimony meetings in Christian Science churches throughout the world, much gratitude expressed for healing, for helpful experiences and spiritual enlightenment. For the sake of our own spiritual growth, for the blessing it brings to our fellow men, and above all because such expressions of gratitude glorify God, these testimonies are given in our churches and our periodicals, because, as our beloved Leader says in the Church Manual (Art. VIII, Sect. 24): "Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important. More than a mere rehearsal of blessings, it scales the pinnacle of praise and illustrates the demonstration of Christ, 'who health all thy diseases' (Psalm 103:3)."
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July 20, 1940 issue
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The Islands of the Sea
"The words of my mouth"
"Father, I thank thee"
The Healing Point of View
Constructive Spiritual Thinking
"The problem of being"
I shall be glad if you will allow me to point out that...
John Lingard, former Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
That your readers may not misunderstand the teachings...
Dr. Frank F. Bunker, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
In a recent letter to the Star, a correspondent takes...
James W. Fulton, Committe on Publication for Ontario, Canada,
In a recent issue, a correspondent makes assertions about...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
A Prayer for Today
"The wells of salvation"
George Shaw Cook
Healing as a Bugle Call
Alfred Pittman
with contributions from Emma Easton Newman, Bruce Alan Ludgate, Louie Allen, Jeanne Roe Price, Gaston Cherriere, Helen Carlyle Mitchell
The Lectures
with contributions from C. Lilias Ramsay, Edith H. Wortman, Everett Emerson Rich, Nancy Rupley Armstrong, Ruth B. Quigley, Ada Chinn Leaycraft, Lydia Ida Jahnke, Frederick George Allen Williams, Oscar W. Parsons
In the twenty-third Psalm, David sings, "Yea, though I...
Mildred McWilliams
I thank God for Christian Science; for Christ Jesus; and...
Gladys Reid Whittier
Christian Science was not a new subject to me when I...
Emma Louise Holter
It is with sincere gratitude that I recount some of the...
Charles J. Hollands with contributions from Lilian Louisa Hollands
During the sixteen years of my study of Christian Science...
Florence L. Ware
I am deeply grateful for having learned through Christian Science...
Wilhelm Haeger with contributions from Erwin Haeger, Anna Haeger
Some years ago, all I had of this world's goods slipped...
Florilla M. Rohde
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roosevelt, Oliver Ned Douds, Harry Post, Sam Plumer