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Value of Meditation
On page 309 of "Miscellaneous Writings" our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes: "He advances most in divine Science who meditates most on infinite spiritual substance and intelligence. Experience proves this true." Meditating on the allness of God and the consequent nothingness of matter, the unity of God and man, the unreality of sin, sickness, and death, enlarges the understanding and promotes the advancement in divine Science of which Mrs. Eddy speaks in the above statement.
Progress such as this is surely the greatest desire of all right-thinking people. How fortunate we are in having this statement before us, and in knowing how best this advancement may be gained! This statement was not made at random. It was after years of study, searching of the Bible, prayer, and sacrifice that Mrs. Eddy placed it before us with such definite direction that we immediately recognize its assurance and can begin to establish the proof. For three years after her discovery Mrs. Eddy withdrew from the world to pray, to search the Scriptures, and to meditate "on infinite spiritual substance."
Meditation is defined, in one meaning, as "close or continued thought, serious contemplation." In the quietude of meditation, when the material senses are silenced and God speaks to the human consciousness, we hear the "still small voice," guiding, chastening, sustaining. Many students of Christian Science have found that it is in an attitude of meditation or "serious contemplation" that enlightenment and refreshment are gained from the daily study of the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly. Taking time to ponder its meaning, we imbibe the spirit as well as learn the letter. When confronted with problems and in doubt which way to turn, we resort to meditation on God's infinitude and man's inseparability from Him, and are shown the way. The inspiration and exaltation of these experiences teach us to seek this sanctuary often.
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January 21, 1939 issue
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Partnership Dissolved
Value of Meditation
"The shadow of Peter"
Alone with God
"As children"
Realizing the Spiritual Universe
A recent issue of your paper carried a letter presenting...
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
Let me thank you very cordially for the appreciative...
Miss Ellen Graham, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
"River. Channel of thought"*
Duncan Sinclair
True Preservation
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Victor P. Minier, Leon T. Siefert, Charlotte Mitchell Tussing, Odette A. Hayes, Nils Andreas Thrap Lerche, Maisie Pollard
The first time I attended a Christian Science service was...
Margarete Koerber
In 1916, as a result of the hardships of the World War,...
Alice Bahlinger
What gratitude fills the human heart when one is able...
Caroline Hardee Godfrey
My gratitude for Christian Science is deep, because it...
George Channing
For all the benefits I have received from Christian Science...
Florence Kenyon with contributions from Joan D. Kenyon
My first healing in Christian Science was that of a...
George H. Faust
I Thank Thee, Father
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry Geerlings, Herbert Crabtree, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Robert Quillen, Frank Lowe