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"As children"
The truth revealed in Christian Science is greatly needed in these latter days, when much that seems to be insistently wrong everywhere requires proper solution through the correct healing method lovingly applied. How many times have we all experienced the futility of sarcasm, opinionativeness, and other unlovely false ways of erring mortal mind! Granted that we have highly constructive ideas to offer, and only the best of motives, much of our work for mankind is lost unless in our daily actions and conversation we are reflecting the calm and affection of the One "altogether lovely." Christian Science rebukes error in no uncertain terms; but in applying its teaching we must employ the ways of Christliness. Entrusted with the sacred responsibility of Mind-healing, as God's witnesses we must needs learn the method of heavenly kindness.
Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, assures us in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 110), "Beloved children, the world has need of you,—and more as children than as men and women." One might ask, Why "as children." when the so-called problems of the day profess to be increasingly involved? Indeed, we must work "as children," for, continuing in the same passage, Mrs. Eddy writes, "It needs your innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontaminated lives."
Little children, innocent of craft or duplicity, many times impress their elders with their searching questions. Their hearts overflowing with affection for all, these little ones cannot possibly arouse antagonism or resentment, because their words are directed by the purity of love and the beauty of sincerity. This loving candor of the childlike thought is "more precious than rubies." It is one of the great needs of today, showing the solution to many a time-honored design of error. Oh, the strength and usefulness of a constructive, timely rebuke prompted by divine wisdom and love, when many, still mesmerized by error, are bowing to belief in the inevitability of war!
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January 21, 1939 issue
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Partnership Dissolved
Value of Meditation
"The shadow of Peter"
Alone with God
"As children"
Realizing the Spiritual Universe
A recent issue of your paper carried a letter presenting...
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
Let me thank you very cordially for the appreciative...
Miss Ellen Graham, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
"River. Channel of thought"*
Duncan Sinclair
True Preservation
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Victor P. Minier, Leon T. Siefert, Charlotte Mitchell Tussing, Odette A. Hayes, Nils Andreas Thrap Lerche, Maisie Pollard
The first time I attended a Christian Science service was...
Margarete Koerber
In 1916, as a result of the hardships of the World War,...
Alice Bahlinger
What gratitude fills the human heart when one is able...
Caroline Hardee Godfrey
My gratitude for Christian Science is deep, because it...
George Channing
For all the benefits I have received from Christian Science...
Florence Kenyon with contributions from Joan D. Kenyon
My first healing in Christian Science was that of a...
George H. Faust
I Thank Thee, Father
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry Geerlings, Herbert Crabtree, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Robert Quillen, Frank Lowe