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Sunday School Notes and Comments
An interesting study developed in a class when it was noticed that the pupils (about fourteen years of age) found it difficult to find the books of the Bible. A few minutes were set aside each Sunday for the purpose of familiarizing them with the names and order of the books. First, each Sunday they were given an assignment of a column, as arranged on page 4 of the Authorized King James Version. After two columns had been committed to memory, a little drill was given in which they all took part—a book was named, and each one found it as quickly as possible. This became more interesting as they knew more of the books. Finally, they were able to find any book in the Old or New Testament easily.
A situation which is quite common is this: A pupil who is being taught the truth in Sunday school is not being instructed in anything that seriously conflicts with what he is being taught elsewhere, until he enters high school. Then, however, the natural sciences begin to be part of the school curriculum, and continue as a rule during high school and on through college. Parents and Sunday school teachers often notice the effects of the latter teaching, and long to be able to offset it, for it almost always seems to result in a measure of confusion for the pupil.
A way to meet this problem was revealed to a Sunday school teacher, who earnestly sought God's guidance in the teaching of his classes. It took consecrated work to discern their needs, but it was clearly seen that, as many of them were at the beginning of manhood, they were at a pivot-age, as it were. Then why not prepare them gradually for the change which would come in their schoolwork?
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August 20, 1938 issue
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"Grace for to-day"
God's Likeness Never Dreams
Believing and Progressing
"Set yourselves"
The Divine Way and the Goal
God's Heirs
In a recent issue Christian Science was mentioned, and...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
The recognition of healing through Christian Science,...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The People Murmured
"A delightsome land"
Duncan Sinclair
Finding Our Individuality
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Walter E. Kennedy, Jean Bries, Josephine F. Howard, Sears R. Shearston, J. Alexander Henderson, Sanford L. Bacon, Theodore J. Deans, Emma Louise Bosworth, Dawn Hansen
I should like to express my great gratitude for all that...
May S. Callaghan
In Christian Science we are taught the allness of God,...
Harry A. Trautman
Christian Science has brought so many blessings into...
Jane M. O'Donnell
In meekness and sincerity I wish to acknowledge to the...
Francesca C. Shotwell
I came into Christian Science through an intense desire...
Dixie Bruce Murray with contributions from Charles Joseph Murray
Obeying a sense of gratitude which bids me offer my...
Mary C. Hulsey
Many years ago, as a member of the A. E. F. stationed...
Olin R. Marshall
I became interested in Christian Science by request
Lorraine McFall
My sincere gratitude for healings which I have experienced,...
Evangeline J. Sanderson
An Understanding Heart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Francis C. Ellis, A. P. Campbell, William E. Callahan, Jr., E. Shurley Johnson, Wand, George H. Hillerman, Harold Nicolson, A Correspondent