My sincere gratitude for healings which I have experienced,...

My sincere gratitude for healings which I have experienced, and which I have seen others experience, through the perusal of the Christian Science Sentinel and The Christian Science Monitor, causes me to write this testimony.

My first contact with Christian Science was when I was a child. When, however, I turned to it later in my life it was not for physical healing, but because I had outgrown the religious belief in which I had been reared, and was satisfied that Christian Science was the truth. We have experienced many beautiful healings through the help of practitioners, and through attendance at church services and lectures.

I am grateful for The Mother Church and its organization; for each practitioner, teacher, lecturer, or friend who has voiced the truth or aided me in any way. I am also grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church; for class instruction, and for the privilege of serving The Mother Church.

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An Understanding Heart
August 20, 1938

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