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Believing and Progressing
In expressing the relationship which exists between God and man, the Scriptures make frequent use of the word "believe" and its derivatives. Because their beliefs are usually their dearest religious convictions, men have held them sacred throughout their experience. Therefore it is wise and necessary to have a definite, intelligent understanding of the meaning of the word "believe"; and students of Christian Science are grateful that there has been brought to them an interpretation of this word ascribing to it a fuller meaning than that of mere human assent to some specific doctrine.
All thoughtful people, at one time or another, have asked themselves what was really meant when, for example, in response to Philip's instruction, the eunuch said he believed Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, or when Paul and Silas exhorted the jailor, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."
Christian Scientists recognize that to believe in the teachings and example of "the Lord Jesus Christ," is essential to our present and eternal salvation. As they seek to obey the apostle's beautiful command in all its aspects, they begin to see that in all respects the Way-shower's life is worthy of their earnest emulation; and in their effort to reflect the spiritual qualities he reflected, they recognize firmness and steadfastness to be essentials. To "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" is to understand that he stood for the highest morality, healed the sick, raised the dead, and demonstrated, despite the alleged bondage of the flesh, man's perfect unity with God. It is also to recognize that he became the Way-shower, making plain the way of salvation from every form of error, proving its ineffectiveness in his own experience, and in that of others. Thus he set an example so far above a merely mental assent or human believing, as to set our feet upon the path of demonstrating for ourselves the perfection of being.
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August 20, 1938 issue
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"Grace for to-day"
God's Likeness Never Dreams
Believing and Progressing
"Set yourselves"
The Divine Way and the Goal
God's Heirs
In a recent issue Christian Science was mentioned, and...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
The recognition of healing through Christian Science,...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The People Murmured
"A delightsome land"
Duncan Sinclair
Finding Our Individuality
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Walter E. Kennedy, Jean Bries, Josephine F. Howard, Sears R. Shearston, J. Alexander Henderson, Sanford L. Bacon, Theodore J. Deans, Emma Louise Bosworth, Dawn Hansen
I should like to express my great gratitude for all that...
May S. Callaghan
In Christian Science we are taught the allness of God,...
Harry A. Trautman
Christian Science has brought so many blessings into...
Jane M. O'Donnell
In meekness and sincerity I wish to acknowledge to the...
Francesca C. Shotwell
I came into Christian Science through an intense desire...
Dixie Bruce Murray with contributions from Charles Joseph Murray
Obeying a sense of gratitude which bids me offer my...
Mary C. Hulsey
Many years ago, as a member of the A. E. F. stationed...
Olin R. Marshall
I became interested in Christian Science by request
Lorraine McFall
My sincere gratitude for healings which I have experienced,...
Evangeline J. Sanderson
An Understanding Heart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Francis C. Ellis, A. P. Campbell, William E. Callahan, Jr., E. Shurley Johnson, Wand, George H. Hillerman, Harold Nicolson, A Correspondent