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"A delightsome land"
"And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land." These words of the third chapter of Malachi refer to those who are in possession of a measure of the Christ-spirit. The words are similar to those of Isaiah (55:12), who prophesied the coming of the Messiah: "For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Both citations are poetic, but they plainly tell of the blessedness, joy, and peace which should come to those to whom Christ, Truth, is revealed. To those so blessed the very mountains and hills and trees would seem to rejoice; they would dwell in "a delightsome land."
How the peoples of the earth long for the day when the land wherein they dwell shall be called delightsome! An idle dream, says someone. Impossible of realization, says another. The day may indeed seem far off when goodness and love shall reign universally, and sin and sorrow be no more. But does not the fact that even now much goodness and love in manifested, and much happiness and joy found among men, point to the possibility that peace and harmony are realizable in human experience to the exclusion of their opposites?
From the Christian Science viewpoint harmony and joy and peace are realizable, and not by a limited number, but by all mankind. The "delightsome land," to the Christian Scientist, is the kingdom of heaven, which Christ Jesus said is at hand. Mrs. Eddy defines the "kingdom of heaven," on page 590 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," as "the reign of harmony in divine Science; the realm of unerring, eternal, and omnipotent Mind; the atmosphere of Spirit, where Soul is supreme." The kingdom of heaven, thus, is not a locality, not a place; it is a harmonious condition of consciousness; and as such it is attainable by all men.
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August 20, 1938 issue
View Issue-
"Grace for to-day"
God's Likeness Never Dreams
Believing and Progressing
"Set yourselves"
The Divine Way and the Goal
God's Heirs
In a recent issue Christian Science was mentioned, and...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
The recognition of healing through Christian Science,...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The People Murmured
"A delightsome land"
Duncan Sinclair
Finding Our Individuality
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Walter E. Kennedy, Jean Bries, Josephine F. Howard, Sears R. Shearston, J. Alexander Henderson, Sanford L. Bacon, Theodore J. Deans, Emma Louise Bosworth, Dawn Hansen
I should like to express my great gratitude for all that...
May S. Callaghan
In Christian Science we are taught the allness of God,...
Harry A. Trautman
Christian Science has brought so many blessings into...
Jane M. O'Donnell
In meekness and sincerity I wish to acknowledge to the...
Francesca C. Shotwell
I came into Christian Science through an intense desire...
Dixie Bruce Murray with contributions from Charles Joseph Murray
Obeying a sense of gratitude which bids me offer my...
Mary C. Hulsey
Many years ago, as a member of the A. E. F. stationed...
Olin R. Marshall
I became interested in Christian Science by request
Lorraine McFall
My sincere gratitude for healings which I have experienced,...
Evangeline J. Sanderson
An Understanding Heart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Francis C. Ellis, A. P. Campbell, William E. Callahan, Jr., E. Shurley Johnson, Wand, George H. Hillerman, Harold Nicolson, A Correspondent