would not anyone give to be able to say with assurance, such as the beloved Master possessed, "I and my Father are one"! He did not accept the supposition of any intelligence or power apart from God.
saying that "man's extremity is God's opportunity" illustrates countless cases wherein some discord or other, whether of sickness, lack, sorrow, sin, or such like, has been healed through Christian Science after all material remedies have failed to bring release.
persons who are studying in the Christian Science Sunday School find a radical difference between the spiritual truths presented to them there and the education in certain material subjects given to them in their secular schools.
I had not been a member of the Christian Science church very long when I was asked to teach in the Sunday school, whereupon I replied that I did not know how to teach in a Christian Science Sunday School.
"Columbia West Coast Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System stations in western United States by Roy J. Hutson,
A Christian Science period in the "Columbia West Coast Church of the Air" series was conducted from Station KIRO, Seattle, Washington, on Sunday morning, October 23, 1938, at 8.
the time of Jesus, belief in the existence of demons or devils, which were thought to control their victims and to cause sickness, insanity, and so forth, was quite common, judging by the Gospel record.
When I contrast the unhappy years before I began to apply the truths of Christian Science with the happy present, I can say with Job, "I know that my redeemer liveth.
Christian Science has led me to the recognition of man's spiritual origin, and of his true relationship to God, his Father and Mother, and for this I am deeply grateful.
For many years the testimonies in The Christian Science Journal and the Sentinel have been a source of deep comfort and inspiration to me, and it would seem ungrateful to withhold my own.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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