an assurance that his earthly mission had been fulfilled must have come to our Master when he heard the thief on the cross beside his own declare of him, "This man hath done nothing amiss"! And in the ordeal which the repentant thief was suffering, what hope of new life and joy must have been his when, in response to his petition, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom," he received the heartening promise of our Lord, "To day shalt thou be with me in paradise"! Thus the final act of Christ Jesus as he faced the portals of the grave was healing.
light in a lighthouse through storm or calm emits its beneficent rays, shining, whether the sea is smooth or rough, whether the boats within its radius are large or small.
of the principal difficulties confronting students in their approach to Christian Science is their belief in the reality of both Spirit and matter, good and evil, Truth and error, Love and hate.
A pupil
in a Christian Science Sunday School once said to her teacher: "What we are learning about ourselves here in class is so contrary to what we are being taught in school that I find it confusing.
B. Palmer Lewis, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In a recent issue of II Progresso, an author writes very entertainingly concerning the discussion as to whether women are inferior to men in intellectual accomplishment.
Alan K. Halliley, Committee on Publication for Ceylon, Asia,
A clergyman, in his contribution to your series, "What I Believe," writes, "We have, however, to take the evil seriously, and I can see no attraction in the proposal of Christian Science to pretend that it is not there or that it is an illusion of 'mortal mind.
child, dream not of far-off joy and peace,Nor vainly bow the knee the while you prayThat in some distant age world strife may cease—You can be happy in God's love today.
is the spirit of truth and love more indispensable than in our branch churches, for as true brotherhood is demonstrated in the Christian Science organization the spirit of unity, the unity of Spirit, will awaken and unify the nations of the world.
If I had never had an outstanding healing, the difference in my life before and since I began to study Christian Science is enough to warrant ceaseless gratitude.
When a young girl, I became interested in Christian Science through promising a friend that I would sometime attend a Christian Science church service.
the tired travelerOn the dusty road,Wearied by the toiling,Burdened by the load,There's an invitationTo a feast divine;There's a voice that's saying:Stranger, come and dine!
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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