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"Necessary Preparation"
IN the folder, "Recommendations for Lecture Arrangements," issued each year by The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, we find several paragraphs under Section 4. which bears the heading "Necessary Preparation." It is significant that these paragraphs dealing with the spiritual preparation for the giving of a lecture, should precede the recommendations applicable to the human footsteps designated therein as being also necessary to the successful giving of a Christian Science lecture. Since the preparatory mental work is of paramount importance, it may be pertinent and helpful to consider how this work may best be done.
Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, ordained in the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. XXXII, Sects. 2 and 3) that a Christian Science lecture be called for and sponsored by a branch church or society. Christian Scientists must support the lecture in the community where it is delivered, that the good seed fall not on barren ground, or be snatched up by the fowls of the air before it has time to germinate. Therefore, the lecture, given under the auspices of a branch organization, necessarily becomes an activity of the church membership, not alone of a committee—although the latter has an important and definite work to perform.
Usually, the size of a lecture committee depends upon the territory covered by the church organization. If the district is relatively small, the committee generally consists of but few members. If the territory is large, as is the case where the church serves an extended district, or even several adjoining towns, it may be advisable to have many members on a committee But, whether large or small, each member of the lecture committee should do definite mental work, not merely for the specific duties given him to perform, but for the support and fruitage of the lecture as a whole.
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April 24, 1937 issue
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"Necessary Preparation"
No Waste Places
Divine Direction
The Fortress
"His eye was not dimmed"
Our Relationship to the World
Answered Prayer
Our Reading Room
In your issue of January 30 a report is given of a lecture...
Lieut.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
An advertisement in Saturday's issue of the Star-News...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
On May 25 your paper reported an English bishop's attack...
Major Henry J. F. Coe, V.D., Committee on Publication for Tasmania, Australia,
I Shall Arise
The Rights of Christian Scientists
Duncan Sinclair
True Submission
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Harold P. Ausherman, Johne Barringer Johnson, Alvin John Schafer, Lucy E. Richardson, Rosina Merritt Paulson, Doris C. Montgomery
The testimonies in our periodicals have so often encouraged...
Catherine M. Turriff
I am glad, by giving this testimony, to be able to express...
Edward C. Woodward
Out of a deep sense of gratitude I testify to the healing...
Martha Maul with contributions from Emil Maul
When I was a child I had trouble with my eyes
Fannie N. Goodman
In 1918, at a time when, because of social and business...
John S. Stobbs
We read in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Ouida Quayle
It is with a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to help...
Margaret A. Mesler
Father-Mother God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Helen Heffernan, Raymond C. Knox, Wayland Hoyt, Archdeacon of Rochester