In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 582) Mrs. Eddy refers to "children" as "the spiritual thoughts and representatives of Life, Truth, and Love," and I have had the opportunity of proving the truth of this statement many times.

It has been my privilege to teach little children, and once a class of nineand ten-years-old children, who had quite a notorious reputation, was assigned to me. They had been in school for three years and had given their previous teachers much trouble. They seemed to be below the average in intelligence and beyond control in behavior.

I realized that Christian Science was the only solution; and each day, after school, I would study our Science literature for hours to meet this situation. But each day the condition seemed to grow worse. Finally, after two weeks, I went to a Christian Science practitioner, who entirely changed my concept of these children. I was told that I must stop trying to make these children good or intelligent, and instead must see that God had already created them perfect, expressing every good quality. I was also told that the stigma of stupidity and incorrigibility had been placed on these children for three years, and that it was not only my privilege but my duty to remove this stigma.

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Testimony of Healing
I should like to add my testimony to those given in the...
February 29, 1936

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