When I was a young man in my teens, a member of our...

When I was a young man in my teens, a member of our family brought to our home the first mention I had heard of Christian Science. About fifteen years later Christian Science was again brought to my attention by a lady who, just a short time previously, had become interested herself. She told me of the love being expressed at the services, and that God is Love. In fact, it seemed that everything she said was something about Love.

At this time I was very much in need of healing. I had always loved to read the Bible, but never seemed to get much from it. After several invitations to attend the Christian Science church, I finally decided to do so one Sunday morning. I shall never forget this service. I do not know what the subject was, but I remembered these words: "Take no thought ... what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink." After the service was over I went home and ate the first square meal I had eaten in years. I received an instantaneous healing of a condition of stomach and intestines for which I had doctored for years, always getting worse. That same afternoon we went to hear a lecture by a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, and the lecturer dwelt much upon the falsity of the testimony of the five physical senses.

After this I wanted to know more, so I procured a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, a Christian Science Quarterly, took an old Bible of my own, and started to study the Lesson-Sermons. Within a very short time I was a changed man. False appetites for strong drink, smoking and chewing, just disappeared; also constipation, headaches, and a heart condition for which the doctor did not give any hope. A badly sprained wrist was healed in two days, and numerous other so-called physical complaints. Some time ago I laid aside my glasses, which I had worn steadily for about twelve years.

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Testimony of Healing
My gratitude for Christian Science increases as my study...
January 18, 1936

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