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Item of Interest
The Mother Church has for some time used the radio to send out on the air some of its services, lectures, and other programs, but only recently took up the use of the short wave. By this means over station WIXAL, Boston, both the morning and evening services of The Mother Church were radiocast on the first Sunday of the months of October, November, and December. This short wave station has also been used on Sunday afternoons weekly for a half-hour Christian Science program, the announcements of these radiocasts being published in The Christian Science Monitor. Listeners who have heard these programs will be interested to know that the Sunday services of The Mother Church will continue to be sent out on the first Sunday of each month over this station, and that the Sunday afternoon radiocasts likewise will continue every Sunday.
Listeners to these services and programs have written from England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, India, and almost every part of the United States. The reception has varied, as was explained in an article in the Weekly Magazine Section of the Monitor for September 25, 1935. A correspondent from Bombay, India, wrote that The Mother Church service "was superbly rendered and highly enjoyed." From a small town in Pennsylvania came a letter reading: "My heart is filled with thanks for the blessings the broadcasts of these Lesson-Sermons are bringing to me. Unfortunately I live too far away to attend the services of any of the branch churches, and for this reason I am so happy to know that I will have the opportunity to hear the Lesson-Sermons again in the future." A listener from England states, "I enjoyed the Christian Science service very much and I should like to know more about their activities."
Another, from Alabama, recounts his experience when he happened to turn his radio on the short-wave band and heard chimes. He states, "You can imagine the thrill I received when I heard them announce that the chimes were from The Mother Church."
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January 18, 1936 issue
View Issue-
God's Eternal Purpose
Keeping in Step
Honest Gratitude
Until the Harvest
The Angel of Peace
Man's Place in God's Plan
To the Christian Science Practitioner
A review in the Nieuwe Apeldoornsche Courant of February...
Dr. David A. Giel, Committee on Publication for Holland,
Your issue of February 18, 1935, carried a report of a...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of North Carolina,
Your correspondent takes exception to a Christian Science...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
Ability to Think Rightly
Duncan Sinclair
What Concerns Us?
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from John Ellis Sedman, Ruth Wensley, Arthur M. Lukens, Mabel Fisher Mecham
In 1921 I first became interested in Christian Science
Emma Schlemper
Christian Science came to our home during my early...
Elsie E. Behrens
When I was a young man in my teens, a member of our...
Adam A. E. Snyder
My gratitude for Christian Science increases as my study...
Edith E. Bramhall
Twenty years ago I was an active, happy worker in a...
Louisa Blackburn
God is always blessing us, and this has been proved to...
Aileen Rogers with contributions from Lucile Spencer
I wish to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science
Michael Colianese
It is with gratitude for what Christian Science has done...
Hattie E. Harris
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Robert Hutchings, Ernest Weals, Francis Younghusband, James Reid, Henry Irvin Stahr