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Divine Deliverance
How frequently are the experiences of various Bible characters seen to prefigure those of present-day humanity! And what helpful, inspiring, and directive lessons may be learned from the lives of those who, through faith in God and obedience to their highest sense of right, delivered from from evil, provided with human necessities, delivered from disaster! Naturally, he who stands pre-eminent among these and other men of all time is Christ Jesus, for his spiritual teachings, loving life, and complete work verified his Messiahship and marked him as the Exemplar or Way-shower for all mankind. He not only declared and demonstrated the illegitimacy and impotence of all evil, including sickness, sin, and death, but also promised that his followers should fully prove the power of God even as he did. The Master was familiar with the Old Testament characters; he referred to them, and drew helpful lessons from their experiences.
Of Noah we read that in the midst of sin, perversity, and corruption he "was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Owing to his clear spiritual vision he must have foreseen that because of evil's self-destroying nature those who clung to evil as if it were a satisfying and powerful reality would be engulfed in and overwhelmed by the waves of retribution and fear. Also, Noah must have discerned the fact that these mental waves would be objectified in a flood of water, for he obediently built him "an ark of gospher wood" into which he and his family went when the destroying flood came upon the earth. Thus, for Noah and those who were with him mentally and physically, the waters served but to lift them higher, and they were delivered from destruction.
Considered in the revealing light of Christian Science, Noah and his experience with the ark point practical and needed lessons for men of today. Because of the idolatrous tendency of the mortal or carnal mind, spiritually unenlightened humanity continues mistakenly to regard matter as both cause and effect, as being substantial and conscious, and hence as the seat of both pleasure and pain—yes, of life itself. These beliefs are blasphemous, because they deny the omnipresence and omnipotence of God, infinite divine Mind; and so they naturally engender other ungodly beliefs, such as fear, animality, hate, jealousy, greed, and resentment; these in turn find expression in limitation and lack, sickness and sorrow, discord and death—a disheartening picture, indeed, for those who are not yet acquainted with God, divine Life, Love, and Truth.
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June 15, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Demand and Supply
"Strength in union"
Time for Study
Preach the Gospel, Heal the Sick
"Unto the perfect day"
Doing Our Part Right
The December 21 issue of the New York Times carries a...
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
On Sunday last, a clergyman delivered a sermon in the...
Harold David Joffe, former Committee on Publication for Transvaal, South Africa,
The one point in question in my correspondence is...
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors
Divine Deliverance
W. Stuart Booth
Spiritual Nourishment
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Theodore A. Wallach
For months prior to the time when I first became interested...
Bertha Kinghts Lawrence
I want to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science
Margaret Kleinau
With a grateful heart I testify to some healings I have...
Maria Riesemann
In November, 1933, I had a healing of erysipelas which...
Chester Wm. Crumrine with contributions from Grace W. Crumrine
My coming to Christian Science was the result of a longing...
Ulla Gertrude Short
Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in establishing...
Eldredge M. Murray
It is with a heart full of gratitude for Christian Science...
Mathilde Doehne
Christian Science came to our family through the healing...
Mollie Johnson
I am grateful each day for the joy and the understanding...
Sophia Hambrick
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Barnard R. H. Spaull, Henry Manrodt, J. L. Newland, Alexander Mann, John Buchan, George Richmond Grose