Bible Notes

"We ... shew unto you that eternal life" (I John 1:2)—The Greek word "epangellomen," here translated "we shew," means more literally "we report" or "announce" (of. Souter: Greek Lexicon, p. 27). Hence Moffatt translates: "We bring you word of that eternal Life;" Goodspeed: "We ... announce"; and Weymouth (5th edition): "We declare unto you the Life Eternal." It may be added that the translation "show" in John 5:20 is a literal rendering of the original.

"Quickeneth" (John 5:21)—The verb "quicken" is, of course, used here in the sense of "to make alive," and, when thus understood, it is a literal rendering of the Greek.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you" (John 5:24f.)—In the original, "verily" is represented by the word "amen," which is borrowed from the Hebrew and comes from a verb which signifies "to be firm or steadfast;" and it may be added that it is the same Hebrew root which gives us the Old Testament word " 'emunah," meaning "faith, faithfulness, steadfastness." When used at the beginning of a sentence, as in these verses, "amen" means "surely, of a truth, truly;" while the repetition of the term "verily, verily" gives added weight and impressiveness to the statement which follows. Moffatt renders: "Truly, truly I tell you;" Weymouth: "In very truth I tell you;" while Goodspeed has simply: "I tell you."

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Testimony of Healing
In gratitude to God for what Christian Science has done...
January 12, 1935

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