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A correspondent writing in your issue of December 14...
Sentinel for Wood Green
A correspondent writing in your issue of December 14 is mistaken in supposing that the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, is the Christian Scientists' Bible. Christian Scientists use the King James Version of the Bible and study it every day in conjunction with the Christian Science textbook. This textbook unveils the spiritual meaning of the Bible and explains how the prophets, Christ Jesus, his disciples, and the early Christians did their works of healing and regeneration through faith in and the understanding of God and His spiritual laws. There is not one illogical statement in the Christian Science textbook. Every conclusion is based on the premise that God is infinite Spirit, and that the real universe, including man, is His spiritual manifestation.
Christ Jesus walked on the Sea of Galilee, multiplied the loaves and fishes, obtained tribute money from the fish's mouth, and healed all manner of disease. The questions arise: How did he do these things? What knowledge had he which enabled him to perform what are termed miracles? It was his knowledge of God and His spiritual laws which enabled him to do these mighty works, and Christian Scientists today are endeavoring to emulate his works in some measure in proportion as they gain "the mind of Christ." Our Master plainly said that anyone who believed on him, that is, understood his teachings, should do the same works that he did and greater. It is incumbent, therefore, upon all Christians to emulate his works in some degree.
In reply to another question, "How can mortal mind be 'at enmity' if mortal mind does not exist?" let me say that mortal mind, as understood in Christian Science, is the adversary, the devil. Christ Jesus defined the devil as having no place in the truth "because there is no truth in him," and as "a liar, and the father of it." That which has no place in Truth is not an entity. It is the opposite of Truth. Since there is nothing true but Truth, and error is not true, error has no reality, and the correctness of this statement can be proved by demonstration.
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August 4, 1934 issue
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Good News
Nothing for Error to Cling To
Our High Calling
Supply Replete
"Loss is gain"
True Objective in Christian Science Healing
Intelligence through Conscious At-one-ment with Mind
Christian Science definitely teaches that God is Love,...
Henry J. F. Coe, Committee on Publication for Tasmania, Australia,
In an article published in the Gleaner, a writer makes...
George H. Kitendaugh, Committee on Publication for Jamaica, British West Indies,
May I drop a letter into the Christian-Evangelist post...
Arthur T. Morey, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
A correspondent writing in your issue of December 14...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
The Discoverer of Christian Science has focused the...
Extracts from an Address given by George Channing, Committee on Publication for Northern California, to the Sphinx Club of the San Francisco Teachers College, on February 7, 1934
Vital Honesty
Violet Ker Seymer
Conversion and Healing
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Milton Roland, Zella S. Heath, Helen L. Graham, William R. Tuck, Robert E. Clinton
When I first became interested in Christian Science, it...
Grayson S. Maxwell
The first definite statement made to me of Christian Science...
Anna L. Junghanns
I should like to avail myself of the opportunity to express...
Hunley A. Slaughter
I wish to express my gratitude to God for the great...
Francina Schippers
It is with a truly grateful heart that I give this testimony...
Bertram Borgen Johnson
In appreciation of benefits derived through the study...
Inez Warren Casey
I should like to express my gratitude through our periodicals...
J. Constance Wallington with contributions from Florence Wallington
I feel very grateful for a growing understanding that God...
Enid G. Bannister with contributions from A. Nevin
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Emil Gocker, Roy L. Smith, E. H. Cotton, Louis S. Bauman