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With much gratitude I should like to tell of some of my...
With much gratitude I should like to tell of some of my experiences in Christian Science. I had been ill for a long time, spending weeks in a hospital and trying everything that I thought might help me. After coming to this city I was under a doctor's care for several months. As a last resort he advised a rest cure of one month in bed, with no exertion whatever. I followed his advice, and at the end of the required time I was worse than at the beginning. After the doctor told me that there was nothing more he or anyone could do for me, I was in a most hopeless state.
At this time Christian Science was brought to my attention by a friend who called over the telephone to inquire for me. She said that she knew nothing about it but had heard that it healed when all other things failed, and wondered if I might want to try it. That same day, when looking over our daily paper, I saw a notice of a Christian Science lecture to be given in our city. I felt no prejudice whatever toward this Science and desired to hear the lecture. My husband thought I could not possibly go, as I had not been out for so long, but I made the effort and, taking my small daughter, I walked about six blocks. That lecture was an event never to be forgotten. The lecturer made it clear that God is good, never sending sickness or sorrow of any kind to His children; and that man is, not shall be, perfect. I left the lecture uplifted and, as I realized later, healed. I inquired where church services were held and have attended them ever since. My healings were of heart trouble, high blood pressure, and extreme nervousness. Later I was healed of very bad headaches and many other discords by the tireless efforts of a practitioner whom I found loving and kind and always ready to help. Our two children, small at that time, were instantaneously healed of scarlet fever. Our son was healed in a very short time of the effects of a bad accident. In fact, Christian Science has been my only help in the past seven years.
About six months after my first healing I received word that my sister and her husband were coming to visit us from another state. I immediately put away all the Christian Science books and literature, as I thought she would not understand. She had been in our home but a short time when she inquired about my health. I said that I was well and she said, "Well, you seem transformed." Later I explained why I was well. She took up the study of Christian Science and has had many beautiful healings.
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November 18, 1933 issue
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"Our eyes are upon thee"
Condemning Evil
On Giving Testimony
"The earth is the Lord's"
Sacrifice and Offering
Spiritual Progress
A Supplication
In your issue of yesterday you gave prominence, in your...
Alfred Johnson, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In a recent issue, you have an item entitled "Evangelist Warns Group Against New Cults"...
Carl W. Gehring, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
An article in your issue of April 19 last falls so far...
Richard O. Shimer, former Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Jane Addams, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Helen Keller...
Eugene R. Dilworth, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Spiritual Evidence
Duncan Sinclair
True Nationalism
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Hazel N. Watt, Harry Heeschen, Kenneth Watson, Claude R. Deam, Lily Oldershaw Isaacs, Elsie M. Lay, Ernest D. Reynolds
I have been a student of Christian Science for fourteen...
Grace L. Irons
I have been a student of Christian Science for more than...
Robert I. Blakeney
It is my desire to express my gratitude for all that...
Berthe Muller
The many blessings which have come to me since I took...
Nellie Thayer Callon
On page 402 of the Christian Science textbook we read,...
Marjorie E. Lanham
A number of years ago I was healed of the bad effects of...
Bertha M. Hall
It is with tender gratitude for our God-inspired Leader...
Margaret McCauley Turk with contributions from Karl Türk
As we pause to give thanks to our heavenly Father, we...
Georga Slupe Wolf
With much gratitude I should like to tell of some of my...
Gladys Woodruff
In Matthew we read, "Whosoever therefore shall confess...
O. Laurence Woodfin
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Julia Peterkin, John McDowell, Frank M. Selover