It is with tender gratitude for our God-inspired Leader...

It is with tender gratitude for our God-inspired Leader that I wish to tell of the joy and happiness which Christian Science has brought into my life.

I associated with Christian Scientists for three years before I was willing to investigate this demonstrable religion; and not until I was nervous, sick, discontented, unhappy, despondent, and almost desperate, did I seek a practitioner. I prayed as best I knew to be led to a practitioner who had understanding; and on my first visit I experienced a wonderful sense of being "clad in the panoply of Love" (Science and Health, p. 571). I left the practitioner with an inward assurance that if I was obedient to the teachings of Christian Science God would meet my every need.

Immediately I purchased a copy of Science and Health and opened it at random. Before me on page 225 were these words: "Love is the liberator." Love has been my liberator during the past six or seven years. Within a few days after my first visit to a practitioner I was able to lay aside glasses which I had worn for twelve years. I was also healed of gallstones, after three physicians had said that my only hope of relief was a surgical operation. In an automobile accident, when the car I was driving was completely demolished, I experienced no sense of nervousness whatsoever. Nevertheless, my swollen body showed evidence of internal injuries, but these were healed solely by Christian Science; and in three days after the accident I again drove a car. I am grateful for these healings, but am most grateful for being liberated from the bondage of ill temper, mental darkness, self-pity, sensitiveness, and willfulness.

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Testimony of Healing
As we pause to give thanks to our heavenly Father, we...
November 18, 1933

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