Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication

The branch churches in Swansea and Cardiff united in maintaining a stand for The Christian Science Monitor at the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales which was held at Port Talbot in August. Thousands of Welsh people flock to these gatherings every year, and numbers of visitors from many parts of the world called at the Monitor stand. The Monitor for July 15, with an article on the Eisteddfod and a picture of the Gorsedd Ceremony, was much appreciated, and a large number of copies were distributed to visitors and others.

A Swansea editor in speaking of the Home Forum page said that it is a delightful page.

A man from Mexico spoke highly of the Monitor and its sound international news. Another visitor said he liked a clean newspaper, and would like to take a copy of the Monitor home. A member of Parliament spoke well of the Monitor; he said he had been to a service in The Mother Church in Boston. Another visitor was anxious to know what attitude the paper took towards prohibition. A very interesting talk ensued, and he gladly accepted a copy. A journalist said that he knew the Monitor well, and that it was the finest newspaper in the world.

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Spiritual Evidence
November 18, 1933

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