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I became interested in Christian Science some twenty-three...
I became interested in Christian Science some twenty-three years ago. At that time I was suffering from defective sight, and was instantaneously healed of that condition through reading an article in one of the Sentinels. I was visiting a friend out in the country when this great truth was first brought to me. After listening to the many healings that had been experienced in that home, I became so interested that on getting back to my own home I went to the Reading Room and procured a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Before leaving the Reading Room I asked the librarian to tell me some more about this wonderful truth. She handed me a copy of the Sentinel. The first article I read contained an account of the healing of defective sight for a little child. I went to bed feeling quite sure that, as God's child, I also must have perfect sight. The next morning I found, to my great joy and gratitude, that I had no need to wear glasses any more.
Recently I found that my sight was beginning to fail again, so that it became difficult for me to read or sew. I attended a Christian Science lecture in Johannesburg. When I looked at the platform, things were blurred and indistinct; I could but faintly see the lecturer's face. After listening for about half an hour I suddenly looked up and saw everything quite clearly. I realized that my sight had been restored. My joy was more than words can express. I could see the lecturer's face quite plainly, and every petal of the beautiful flowers on the platform was distinct. The whole world had taken on a new light. Never before had I been so uplifted at any lecture, and I left feeling like a new person.
I am very grateful for the many blessings received since taking up the study of Christian Science; for the privilege of membership in The Mother Church; to God for sending Mrs. Eddy to make known this great truth to us; and to the Directors of The Mother Church for making provision for the holding of these lectures in distant lands.—(Mrs.)Rachel Hanssen, Kroonstad, Orange Free State, South Africa.
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August 6, 1932 issue
View Issue-
The Perfect Exemplar
Spiritual Worship
The Church Builder
Making a Living
Our Daily Bread
Blessed Are the Righteous
Before We Call
In the review of Dr. Elwood Worcester's exceedingly interesting...
Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
As the critic admits, the author of a recent book evidently...
Dr. David A. Giel, Committee on Publication for Holland,
Your contributor, under the heading "Adventures in Religion"...
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Duncan Sinclair
Divided and Undivided
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Kathryn Oliver, Emma Alice Anderson, Grace M. Franck, Jeannette E. Clark, Charles C. Paul, Nell P. Hadley, Charles Russell Vosburg, Nellie Smith, Marjorie K. McCavitt
I was a very unhappy woman when I first heard of...
Madeline Cargill
When I first became interested in Christian Science I...
Alice Champney Wyer
Having received much benefit and pleasure from reading...
Mabel Riseling
Over twenty-four years ago my attention was first called...
Edward A. Wayt
It has been my experience that Christian Science treatment...
Nellie D. Cornelius
It is with deep gratitude to Mary Baker Eddy for all the...
Frederick James Brooks
More than twenty years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science,...
Adelaide Crim with contributions from J. R. Miller