When I was suffering from the effects of war service...

When I was suffering from the effects of war service nearly sixteen years ago, a friend lent me the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The reading of this inspired book healed me within two days of a neurasthenic condition following two periods of active service, one ending with wounds and the other with typhoid fever; and, fourteen days after commencing the study of Science and Health, I regained the use of a hand which, due to shrapnel wounds, had been stiff and almost useless for more than nine months. Many months of loving attention in military hospitals had left me unfit; about six weeks' study of Science and Health made me a whole man, and I was soon back on duty again. Later I was evacuated with what was described on my "history sheet" as appendicitis; but, refusing an operation and turning expectantly to the textbook, I had the joy of seeing the "sheet" altered to read "P. U. O."—pain of unknown origin—and in a week I was again on duty.

Some months after this, the fear of gas overcame my trust in God, and I was evacuated as gassed, with little prospect of living. I was unable to see, but in conscious moments remembered what I could of Science and Health. Suffice it to say that in three months I was again on duty, burned eyeballs, injured lung tissue, and other effects of gas having yielded to the certainty of God's all-power and presence. Reading the Christian Science textbook, and applying what I read so far as I understood it, had brought about the demonstration (in part) of Job's prophecy, "Yet in my flesh shall I see God;" and "in my flesh" I did indeed witness the harmonious expression of a small understanding of Love, peace, harmony; a small understanding of God, good.

Since the armistice, Christian Science has met every need for my wife, our family of four, and myself. None of our children know what medicine is. Trusting in Love, we have seen measles, mumps, whooping cough, heart trouble, skin disease, and broken arm, as well as poor business and other inharmonies, healed quickly, completely, and permanently. It is with joyous gratitude that I acknowledge the loving help given by consecrated practitioners, bringing to consciousness "the healing Christ and spiritual idea of being" (Science and Health, p. 55). Grateful as I am for these healings, still more gratitude is felt for the continuing unfoldment of some understanding of God and His perfect creation, as revealed in the Scriptures and interpreted with the aid of the "key" given in our textbook.

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Testimony of Healing
My interest in Christian Science was aroused not through...
March 5, 1932

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