During the past eighteen years, which have been filled...

During the past eighteen years, which have been filled with blessings resulting from the study and application of Christian Science, my thought has many times dwelt with reverent gratitude on my introduction to this truth and the joy of my first healing.

For several years I had struggled along, usually present in my place of service, but many times unfit to be there and unable to do satisfactory work because of a serious stomach and bowel disorder attended by nervous exhaustion. On several occasions Christian Science was mentioned to me, but a violent prejudice prevented my investigation of the subject. The time came, however, when it was impossible to be at my work. The doctor's only prescription was a year's vacation, which seemed not only most distasteful but impossible. I began to think that suicide was the only way to relief, and while seriously contemplating this one day I recalled that a way had been offered in Christian Science, but that I had been unwilling to consider it or give it a trial. A voice seemed to say that it would be unfair to take the contemplated course without having tried every possible method of healing; whereupon I went immediately to the telephone and called a Christian Science practitioner whose name had been given to me, and made an appointment to see her that evening. In that first interview I told her that I knew nothing of Christian Science and wanted to know nothing of it; that I did not want to be asked to read the Christian Science literature or attend the church, but wanted only to be healed. I asked if she could heal me under these conditions, and shall never forget her loving answer, "No, but God can."

With this positive assurance I asked that work in Christian Science be begun, and this was done. Immediate improvement resulted, the prejudice disappearing after the first treatment. At the end of a month I was enjoying better health than ever before. My outlook on life was entirely changed, and I was beginning to experience the truth expressed in the hymn:

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Testimony of Healing
When I was suffering from the effects of war service...
March 5, 1932

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